Author Archives: Armageddon Apocalypse End Of World Blog

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Facebook Site フェイスブック・サイト: Bit Chute video site: Brighteon video site: MeWe Site: (Human specie's alternative to the nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanists' Facebook.) Gab Site: (Human specie's alternative to the nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanists' Twitter.) Residence 住まい מגורים: Illuminati's Fukushima Super Radiation Contamination Area イルミナティの福島放射能超汚染地域 איזור הקרינה בפוקושימה הסופר של האילומינטי זיהום Job 仕事 עבודה: Volunteer Worker & Missionary To Jewish Remnant ボランティア・ワーカー&ユダヤの末裔への宣教師 התנדבות עובדים ומיסיונרית כדי שריד יהודי

Millions of Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining, uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender” fake Christians buy prepper’s guns to kill each other to eat them and buy prepper’s canned food to fight God’s asteroid judgments, but millions of them and every single pastor betrayed us real Christian samurai warriors of Christ, who defend them from nuclear wars & biochemical weapon pandemics & manufactured famines & demon armies out of the abyss, because they were afraid of getting cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & every hotel room for fighting alongside us to protect the 12 million children eaten by the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers pedophile cannibal Satanist witch feminists every year and to protect the human specie. These fake Christians are cowardly traitor hypocrites, who are willing to kill other fellow countrymen fake Christians with prepper’s guns to hunt for human meat, but they are afraid to banzai charge the millions of CIA NSA MI6 FBI Freemason Jesuit Wicca Black Ops Satanist assassins and world elites and Draco avatar black nobility families rulers and their world’s militaries and their space fleets and their fake nations’ governments and the Draco Empire and the fallen angels and Satan Lucifer by exposing all their names & identities & organizations & crimes & secrets & plans & methods & activities to warn the humans and to mobilize God’s spiritual army, because they want to avoid assassination attempts and avoid ridicule from church donators and avoid slaughter of their genetic descendant idols. They are the most evil End Times generation Western feminist nations’ millions of fake Christians who were prophesied to appear in 2 Timothy 3:2-5. They are the living dead. They are the scum of the world, who desecrate God’s reputation & witness & testimony & honor & righteousness & self-sacrificial love of Jesus & his Word & everything that God stands for by calling themselves “Christians” and “God’s representatives on the earth” and “the Church.” Even worse, they even have the audacity to bring greater judgment upon themselves by insulting God by trying to appease both Satan Lucifer & God by modifying & diluting & sterilizing & picking & choosing & editing the tens of thousands of truths we real Christians shared to them in our daily sermons for decades, in order to make it safe for themselves from assassination attempts and ridicule from church donators, so that they can sabotage God’s truths and destroy our real Christians’ ministries and cover-up Satan Lucifer and mislead millions of people to hell & false realities & false understandings & false complacencies & false political/social solutions. The worst sly conniving fake Christians are those who pretend that they do not have the Holy Spirit’s discernment of the truth, in order to use that as an excuse to remain silent to condone all the evils. Have nothing to do with these “Judas Iscariot” “Israelites in the wilderness” cowardly traitor fake Christians, dear brethren. They have no respect for God. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church in anger & terror & disgust, so that God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a crazy lunatic who has lost all common sense of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sins, and he rose again, and he is seated on his throne in heaven reigning, so that whoever repents and receives him as Savior & Lord will receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Western feminist nation fake Christians prep & real Christian samurai attack billions to defend them Millions of Western feminist nations’ … Continue reading

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These Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining, uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender freaks” most wicked End Times generation “2 Timothy 3:2-5” fake Christians & fake pastors are extremely stupid people, because they are alienated from God’s Holy Spirit wisdom. They rant & rave & wail & cry & complain & blame the LGBTPB (lesbian gay bisexual transvestite pedophile bestiality) Luciferian Satanist New Age occult esoteric elites, who are kidnapping their children, and raping their children, and educating their children in school with homosexual pedophile sex and sex change surgery, but only a handful of them watch my video informing them that these LGBTPB people are fallen angel fake aliens and chimera hybrid fake aliens in cloned hybrid human-looking avatar bodies and stolen “walk in” human witch servants’ bodies, and that these fake Christians and fake pastors are the ones responsible for bringing into their accursed Western feminist nations’ their 33.3% population of LGBTPB “gay mafia elite” & “lesbian sisterhood coven witch feminist elites,” because of their redefining of hundreds of Bible verses to replace Jesus with hundreds of fake foreign gods to remove God’s spiritual protection so that the fallen angels can be released from the abyss to exterminate them with nuclear war, and because of their “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers” post-1960s rebellion and mockery of God inside his house, and because of their marriage to these fallen angels and hybrids inside God’s house to birth hybrids, and because of their demon-possession by the “women’s equality” “women’s rights” Jezebel witchcraft demon spirit. Dear brethren, I will tell you what these millions of Western feminist nations’ “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender freaks” fake Christians and fake pastors are like. They are like the parable of the post-1960 idiot church member parents, who dress in drag queen clothes and go into a gay bar and their children get gang-raped, and they complain & wail & scream & blame the LGBTPB people in the gay bar for raping their children. Again, these Western feminist nations’ millions of most dumbest blindest evilest End Times generation fake Christians & fake pastors, who ignore our real Christians’ daily sermons & loving warnings by despising us real Christians as lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniacs who are blabbering nonsense, are like the parable of the idiots who refuse to listen to the zookeeper’s warnings that these lions are not humans, but they think the zookeeper is a disgusting evil lying lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac who is blabbering nonsense, and they open the lions’ cage so that the lions come out and eat all their children, and they complain and yell and scream and blame the lions for eating their children. Preach this to your church donators, so that they will scream at you, and drag you out of your church, and throw you into Prophet Jeremiah’s well. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a dedicated fanatic servant of Satan Lucifer and you hate God with a passion.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Dumb fake Christians blame LGBTPB for sexualizing children but cover-up LGBTPB fallen angel identities & bring them in from portal … Continue reading

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God created 2 human genders: man & woman. God did not create angels with sex to reproduce, but Watcher Pleiadian fallen angel fake aliens raped women to birth nephilim giants, and raped 200 animals to birth chimera titans. This is why the fallen angel fake aliens who are at the top of the Universal Council have many genders, including LGBTPBGD (lesbian gay bisexual transvestite pedophile bestiality gerontophile dendrophile). This is why they are trying to force the humans into these many sexual-orientations, in their drag queen “gay pride parade” “gay mafia elite” program by educating 2 to 4 year old children about sex change castration surgery and 5 to 7 year old children about anal sex and oral sex and masturbation and gay sex and pedophilia with Draco & Pleiadian incarnate avatar globalist elites. This is why they have all kinds of satanic child sex magick spirit cooking sacrifice rituals. The Watcher fallen angels originally had sex with 200 animals to create the chimera fake aliens and ancient demigod nephilims and higher dimensional mythological creatures. A lot of the raphaim disembodied spirits of the dead nephilims and fallen angel spirits are living in cloned hybrid human-looking avatar bodies, and they have taken over all key positions in the post-1960s “Bible verses redefining, uncovered women’s heads, women’s witchcraft rebellion, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender, Jezebel demon-possessed” Western feminist nations. The fallen angel vampire devils have to feed on human soul energy of fear & hatred & pain & sorrow through wars & war crimes & plagues & famines & disasters & economic crashes & accidents & terrorism & so on, or through the 12 million children’s andrenochrome blood which contains the soul energy, so the child-trafficking ring and thousands of child breeding farms are run by the elites. The Bible says the life is in the blood. They need the photon of the human soul, just as in their movie “Twilight Saga.” The post-1960s Western feminist nations’ women (Eve) was lured by “women’s equality,” in order to invite into their nations these fallen angel fake aliens to take over. They are being replaced by hybrids now, which they condone by their silence and their fear of assassination attempts by their church member witch assassins and their fear of ridicule by all their church donators. The supposed “spiritual guardians of society” fake Christians still hate us real Christian samurai warriors’ warnings, and consider us as crazy lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac legalist misogynist bigots, just like they thought Jesus was. The fake Christians love their Satan Lucifer’s pre-1941 “The Plan’s” Bible prophecy rapture billion dollar industry’s reptilian hybrid pedophile cannibal Satanist pastors, and pay them billions of dollars of donations. These millions of Western feminist nations’ “women’s rights” “Jezebel demon-possessed” fake Christians will either get exterminated by their fallen angel leaders by nuclear war & biochemical weapon pandemics & manufactured famines & demon armies out of the abyss, or they will become child sex slaves and child human meat livestock food and child laboratory biochemical weapon experiment test subjects and child DNA organ harvesting products for the fallen angel fake aliens and chimera fake aliens, because they replaced Jesus with hundreds of redefined Bible verses’ hundreds of fake foreign gods, just like the Israelites did. This is also why the fallen angels & demons that the fake Christians released from the abyss molest us real Christian old men’s anuses & genitals & men’s nipples, while we sleep every night.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). God created 2 genders. Galactic Council’s fallen angel fake aliens created other LGBTPB perversions. God created 2 human genders: man … Continue reading

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These millions of Western feminist nations’ Nicolaitan clergy class laity class Satanist pagan religious system’s “ordained & allowed & trained & non-assassination-attempts-receiving” fake unbiblical job position pastors and millions of “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender, Jezebel demon-possessed, women’s equality, women’s rights” fake Christians still have not obeyed our commands to expose the names & identities & organizations & crimes & secrets & methods & plans & activities of the millions of Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist “gay mafia elites” and earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers “lesbian sisterhood coven witch feminist elites” and fallen angel Noah’s days Atlantis companies, who are causing the wars throughout the world, and killing the human specie Ukrainian parents and abducting their children for child sex slaves and child human meat livestock food & adrenochrome children’s blood industry and laboratory biochemical weapon experiment test subjects and DNA organ harvesting products. They are offering 2 to 3 Ukrainian war orphan children as child sex slaves to people, in order to bribe them. They are sick perverted pedophile cannibal Satanist “penis & vagina sucking” Draco avatar demon spirits and Pleiadian fallen angel vampire devils and their fake god Satan Lucifer. Their Illuminati NWO Draco avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist QAnon & Donald Trump flushed out & identified & killed using their fake COVID pandemic as an excuse 1 million of his American followers, who QAnon found out that they knew the truth on Twitter & Facebook & YouTube. Their “sting operation” “bloodhound flushing out operation” was very successful in identifying the “uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender” dumb brain-dead QAnon-worshipper fake Christian whistleblowers, who were making QAnon do all the exposing & fighting for them while they stayed in the background on their cowardly traitor lazy buttocks. The blood of millions of these children are on the hands of these Nicolaitan pastors and fake Christians, who are condoning all of this in silence, or even worse, bringing greater judgment upon themselves by modifying & diluting & sterilizing & picking & choosing & editing the tens of thousands of truths we real Christians shared to them in our daily sermons for decades every day, because they want to avoid receiving assassination attempts and getting ridiculed by church donators and getting cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & every hotel room. These millions of stinking cowardly traitor fake Christians say ambiguous things like, “Child-trafficking is a social problem and it needs to stop now,” to mislead the masses & sabotage the truth & cover-up for Satan Lucifer, so that they deceive themselves into thinking that they accomplished their obligations to God to appease him and they pray a little prayer to dump everything on God so that they can go back to their safe & happy lives, but they do not expose to God’s spiritual army & 6 billion humans the perpetrators’ names & identities & organizations & crimes & secrets & videos & photos & methods & plans & activities, so that everyone will come to try to kill them and all their millions of church donators will run away in sheer terror & avoid them like the plague and the 6 billion heathens will ridicule them as lunatic “conspiracy theorists.” They are not humans, but these fake Christians and fake pastors are monsters, and accomplices in crime who cover-up Satan Lucifer, because they are afraid of their genetic descendant idols getting slaughtered by their church member witch assassins, who are throwing their own 12 million Western feminist nations’ kidnapped children’s leftover human meat & bone ashes into their church food. They are the living dead mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:2-5. They have a form of Christianity, but they deny its God.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Pleiadian & Draco avatar elites are giving 2 to 3 Ukrainian war-orphan children as sex slaves to bribe people, whose … Continue reading

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Satan Lucifer’s millions of unbiblical fake job Nicolaitan pastors redefine hundreds of Bible verses, in order to keep their 99% religious filth church donators from leaving their church in anger, who are sick & money-lovers & cowards & preppers & genetic descendant idolaters who do not want families getting slaughtered & fake Christians. Every single pastor betrayed us to avoid getting cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door. Satan Lucifer’s army of millions of Nicolaitan fake unbiblical job positions called “pastors” teach that the Bible verses on God’s healing are lies and that God is a liar and that his real Christians are liars, because we real Christians teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because of lack of faith, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because of the worship of Semjaza’s medical science witchcraft, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they do not kick out of God’s house their highest church donators who are the medical science witchcraft genocide industry’s mass murderers doctors & nurses and insurance company blasphemers, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they are destroying their bodies which is the Temple of God by filling themselves with Western feminist nations’ satanic food to look like Western “hippo-looking” female church pastors instead of eating seaweed & fermented beans & fish eggs & sea urchin guts & other of God’s healthy foods, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they are condoning & hiding in silence the millions of church member witch assassins who are throwing their own 12 million kidnapped children’s leftover human meat & bone ashes into their church food and they are watching their fellow church donators eat their own children to attach fallen angel & demon spirits to them using high witchcraft, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they are perverting hundreds of Bible verses to worship hundreds of fake foreign gods & idols, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they are buying health insurance instead of burning their health insurance certificates and seeking the God of Israel for healing, and we teach that the fake Christians do not get healed because they do not kick out their church pastors who are teaching these false doctrines which brings a curse upon their entire church congregation because they are allowing Satan Lucifer to run the churches and kill millions of church donators with sickness & disease & laming & blinding & injury & tower of Siloam & vaccines & Mark of the Beast vaccines. Satan Lucifer’s army of millions of Nicolaitan fake unbiblical job positions called “pastors” teach that the Bible verses on God’s wealth & health are lies and that God is a liar and that his real Christians are liars, because we real Christians tell people to sell all their possessions and pick up the cross and follow Christ, and that when they become real Christians, they will get attacked by income cut off imminent starvation attacks, but God provides for all our needs miraculously and that the true wealthy people are not the fake Christians who have money but instead it is the real Christian who live day to day by faith & God’s miraculous provisions. Satan Lucifer’s army of millions of Nicolaitan fake unbiblical job positions called “pastors” teach that the Bible verses on God’s protection are complete lies and that God is a liar and that his real Christians are liars, because we real Christians teach that the fake Christians get killed very easily because of their lack of faith and they do not receive assassination attempts because they are fake Christians.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Satan’s fake unbiblical job Nicolaitan pastors redefine hundreds of Bible verses to get 99% donators Satan Lucifer’s millions of unbiblical … Continue reading

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The reasons why these millions of Western feminist nations’ post-1960s “over 50% divorced single mothers Christian community” sons & grandsons, who are Satan Lucifer’s infiltrator 5th column army of Nicolaitan clergy class laity class Satanist pagan religious system’s “ordained & allowed & trained & non-assassination-attempts-receiving” fake unbiblical job position pastors, depict God and Jesus as being evil as they are is because they are the most evil End Times generation in human history. They preach to their millions of church donators that Jesus walked on the water and Jesus walked through the wall, because he was evil just like the post-1960s End Times Western feminist nations’ men, and he wanted to scare them and play a joke on them and get an evil morbid amusement by watching them run away in terror. These unbiblical fake job position pastors preach in their sermons, “You church donator girls do not understand this, because it is guys’ thing, and we like to play pranks on each other and scare the hell out of each other, and that is why Jesus was walking on water and walking through walls and doing all these things every time. It is just a male thing. That is what men like to do to each other.” Normal men and gentlemen and other nations’ men do not play such tricks on their friends, or scare other people, or get wry dark amusement from shocking people. Jesus and God is not a mischievous gremlin like these Nicolaitan fake unbiblical job position pastors believe he is. Satan Lucifer uses his millions of post-1960s “uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender, Jezebel demon-possessed” mothers & grandmothers’ sons & grandsons, who are pastors infiltrated into his millions of fake Nicolaitan churches, in order to defame God and teach a perverted warped evil image of who God is. Their god is not our Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus of love & righteousness & holiness & compassion & mercy & grace & integrity, but their god is their mothers’ & grandmothers’ “1960s hippy women’s rebellion witchcraft” Jezebel demon spirit and their “1960s love & light and hugs & kisses” Sananda Jesus demon spirit. God does things like walking on water or sleeping through a storm or walking through a wall or raising the dead or healing the withered arm or cleansing the leper not because he wants to get a sadistic satanic laugh at seeing his disciples, who will be kings & priests in heaven, scared out of their wits and peeing in their pants and horrified. God does things because of love, and because he wants to build faith in his brothers, and his intentions are good and not evil towards his Church. These End Times most wicked generation’s women’s sons, who are pastors, pervert every time who God is as I had preached hundreds of examples from their perverted “Satan Lucifer inspired doctrines & sermons” and redefining of hundreds of Bible verses, or rather their “Jezebel demon-possession spirits’” perversion of the Bible verses and who God is. Jesus and his real Christian men, who are made in God’s own image, are noble descent godly honorable loving caring good-intentioned “Holy Spirit filled” samurai warriors, and not a bunch of millions of Satan Lucifer’s Western feminist nations’ End Times most wicked generation unbiblical job fake pastors and their gang of drinking buddies that play pranks on each other to get sick enjoyment from seeing people alarmed or panicking or crying. I have seen these fake Christian men playing terrible pranks on each other, and I have seen them knocking over tables & chairs & lamps & people in our apartment rooms during Bible study sessions & prayer sessions wrestling each other to prove their prideful strengths over each other, who later became pastors. I have seen them drinking beer with their fake Christian brothers, who later became pastors.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). The Western feminist nations’ 1960s “over 50% divorced single mothers’” pastors depict Jesus as being evil because they themselves are … Continue reading

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Since the Western feminist nations’ women sacrificed millions of babies to Satan Lucifer by calling it “women’s equality,” Satan’s fallen angel Umbrella company’s DARPA department and its U.S. Navy space fleet is spraying biological weapons & toxins onto many Western nations’ cities including onto Congress’ politicians and its own Satanist elites, and creating biological weapon gene-edit virus vaccine inside vegetables to poison the populace. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church in anger & terror & disgust, so that God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a crazy lunatic who has lost all common sense of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sins, and he rose again, and he is seated on his throne in heaven reigning, so that whoever repents and receives him as Savior & Lord will receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord!

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Western women sacrificed millions of baby to Satan so now Umbrella put virus in food to kill women Since the … Continue reading

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The gray alien avatar bodies biological suits that the fallen angel fake aliens wear and the gray alien servants they clone from human genes have one huge left brain that gives them high computer intelligence, but they are stupid and do not have God’s humans’ creativity and true intelligence of emotions & imagination & humor, because they do not have the right brain. The original true homo-sapiens humans that God created have both a left brain and right brain, so we are smarter and have the ability to continuously improve things which their fake aliens cannot do, and we have the characteristics of God’s nature, because we are created in his image. This causes envy & jealousy by Satan Lucifer and his Shambhala “fake ascended masters” fallen angel vampire devils and “fake higher-evolved fake spiritually-more-mature fake benevolent fake aliens” fallen angel vampire devils, who do not have that emotion and creativity and soul energy that is connected to God’s life and the spirit of God that he breathed into the human man, and therefore, Satan Lucifer & his fallen angels’ Noah days Atlantis Umbrella zombie virus company is trying to exterminate God’s human specie and his real Christians with their COVID coronavirus & bird flu “Mark of the Beast” mRNA gene-editing “parasite serpent third-strand DNA” vaccine & food & water & chemtrails, in order to change humans into chimera monsters and AI transhumanism Borg slaves and zombies. The human women were created from the human men, so they also have God’s spirit life in them as helpers, although they are not made in God’s image like the human man. This is why Satan Lucifer and his fallen angels have corrupted the millions of Western feminist nations’ “Bible verses redefining, women’s head coverings rebelling, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender freaks” fake Christian women into abominations that speak & act like men and like men’s equals, so that you have a deterioration of basic human society & family, and over 50% divorce rate in the Christian community (80% divorce rate in some Christian denominations) to demon-possess their children to destroy society and the guardians of a civilization which is the Church, in order to release millions of fallen angels from the abyss to exterminate the human specie, where God had imprisoned them. Eve (the woman) is always Satan Lucifer’s key to bringing down Adam (the man), because they are the most deceivable and controllable and gullible and emotional. Once you destroy the human women, then the human women will destroy their post-1960s sons & grandsons, and then you will have the flooding of the Western feminist nations with millions of demon spirit avatars and fallen angel avatars and hybrids and androids and clones and animals upgraded to human gene bodies and shapeshifting werewolves & vampires & gargoyles & Godzilla titans & hulks & Medusa & minotaur & wraiths, to dance & sing in the COVID hospital emergency rooms & Ukrainian Nazi battlefields & Israeli Edomite bloodline Draco avatar battlefields in Gaza & gay pride parades to celebrate the destruction of their hated human specie made in the image of God and the takeover of the earth back to the fallen angels. These millions of Western feminist nations’ “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender” fake Christians are demon-possessed by the Jezebel demon spirits, and their father is Satan Lucifer and not God as Jesus said in the Bible, so that is why they cover-up all these things for Satan Lucifer and sabotage God’s spiritual army and kick us real Christians out of their churches, because of their fear of immediate assassination attempts like the one million American whistleblowers & QAnon followers on Twitter & Facebook & YouTube who were killed using the COVID fake pandemic as an excuse for their deaths, and because of their fear of getting cooked alive by CIA microwave oven weapons from next door homes & every hotel room, and because of their fear of getting ridiculed by all their 99% religious filth church donators as some kind of lunatic heretic idiotic narcotic maniac.

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Satan Lucifer is trying to make humans into chimeras with the “Mark of the Beast” fake vaccines because of his … Continue reading

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A lot of patriot pastors received money for covering-up and keeping secret the COVID AI “black goo” “Mark of the Beast” biochemical weapon vaccine that genocide killed billions of their church donators and countrymen and children. They are mass murderers and accomplices in crime. Satan Lucifer & his hell’s army are poisoning all the food & water & earth with their COVID biochemical weapon fallen angel demon-possessed AI “black goo” nanite zombie virus “Mark of the Beast” Borg vaccine. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church in anger & terror & disgust, so that God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a crazy lunatic who has lost all common sense of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sins, and he rose again, and he is seated on his throne in heaven reigning, so that whoever repents and receives him as Savior & Lord will receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life. Salvation is by free grace and faith in the atoning blood of Jesus, and not by wearing women’s head coverings or abstaining from cross-dressing in men’s pants or abstaining from extorting fake illegal tithe income tax. Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord!

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). 3 part video: Satanist elites are poisoning the food & water & earth with COVID AI black goo vaccine A … Continue reading

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These Western feminist nations’ post-1960s most wicked generation’s former military leaders like Scott Ritter and Douglas McGregor have become stupid beyond belief, because their grandmothers & mothers got demon-possessed by Jezebel and mind-controlled for running around with naked women’s heads to rebel against God and cross-dressing in men’s pants to mock God’s Word. They are complaining & wailing & crying & blaming & screaming at their earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers pedophile cannibal Satanist witch feminists and their Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar black nobility families and their Pleiadian fallen angel incarnate avatar globalist elites to stop their fake false flag nuclear war that will exterminate the human specie, instead of exposing the fact that 70% of their military & police are infiltrated by cybernetic hybrids & androids and all their politicians are non-human avatars, as we real Christians told them to do. This is an extreme form of mental-retardation that comes from degradation & corruption & degeneracy for decades from the 1960s by throwing off women’s head coverings and cross-dressing in men’s pants, and now it is seeing the fruition of their rot & putrefaction by the nuclear war exterminating their Western feminist nations. When you invest in feces, then that feces will drown you. No wonder their Western feminist nations’ militaries got taken over by the demon spirits and fallen angels, because these military leaders do not even have basic common sense or the Holy Spirit’s wisdom, but they only have their post-1960s grandmothers & mothers stupidity & demon-possession & evil & spiritual blindness & high IQ dumb stupid super intelligence. A real Christian samurai warrior of Christ will hold back the fire by using the living water of God’s Holy Spirit to extinguish the fire of the enemy to restrain the Antichrist’s nuclear wars & biochemical weapon pandemics & manufactured famines & demon armies out of the abyss, but these dumb Western feminist nations’ “naked women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender” fake Christian military leaders, who placed these demon spirit non-human military leaders into their military leadership to succeed them, placed arsons into their home and are wailing & criticizing the arsons for trying to light their houses on fire and trying to start a nuclear war to exterminate their human specie. This is an extreme brain-dead characteristic of these post-1960s Western feminist nations’ “uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled” grandmothers & mothers’ children, who were human specie military leaders that got kicked out by the demons & fallen angels from their NATO military. How can humans be that stupid? No wonder their NATO military got taken over by demon spirits and fallen angel devils to degrade it to what it is now, because they do not even have the basic military human intelligence to tell who the enemy is, who they placed into their Western armies to take their places. A dumb “uncovered women’s heads, men’s pants cross-dressers” military leadership that does not listen to us real Christians’ warnings, and think we are blabbering nonsense about demons taking over their militaries, are bound to get exterminated by those very demons who they do not believe even exist. These “dumb naked women’s heads” Western feminist nations’ brilliant top military leaders, who get huge salaries for jobs to defend their nations, do not even follow the very first principle of military warfare which is to know your enemy & identify your enemy & eliminate them. It is like placing clowns into their military and paying them huge salaries and giving them tremendous authority, and kicking out us real Christian samurai warriors of Christ who are defending their nations & the human specie by considering us as dumb incompetent crazy bunch of useless morons. These military leaders kicked us real Christians out of their military officers’ training programs because they considered us stupid and sabotaged in every way by the fallen angels & Draco Empire & earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers’ witchcraft, but they placed demon avatars and fallen angel avatars into their nations’ militaries who are trying to exterminate them with nuclear weapons from their own U.S. Navy space fleets & Nazi imperial space fleets, so who is the true stupid idiots?

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2024). Western feminist nations’ populace have become so dumb that they are complaining to the demons they invited into their military … Continue reading

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